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of Norwich City Football Club


Pushy Lenders?

Most lenders take a fairly relaxed approach to interest-only, but I`m wondering if ones who are a bit pushy are within their rights?
After interest rates rose so much we agreed to a period of interest-only with a repayment-type lender which they agreed…

Homeowners allowed to go ‘interest-only’ without a repayment strategy

Homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage bills will be able to switch to interest-only deals without a formal repayment plan under new plans to help borrowers through the cost of living crisis.
The planned FCA guidance advises lenders to let homeown…

Barry’s story – it could have been you!

Barry’s story was written by the Mark Alexander back in December 2010. It has since been updated and re-published several times. The dates, times and people are fictional but the story is based on real life events.
It’s a modern update of the cla…

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